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Writer's pictureLaurie Gouley

Coping With Panic Attacks & Anxiety

Coping with Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Anyone who has suffered from a panic attack knows how debilitating they can be. The thought of having another one can be overwhelming and trigger a full-blown panic attack.

I've been a long time sufferer of Panic Disorder and have learned coping skills through the years.

I've developed a ritual over the years to help me cope in a natural and healthy way.

This ritual is designed to give you some relief and hopefully stop panic attacks from happening altogether....or at least feel like you have some 'control' over them. It has helped me more times than not.

This ritual can be more powerful when performed during a full moon....but not necessary.

To start, you will need a piece of amethyst, a purple candle, and some calming essential oils....lavender works well.

An amethyst is a stone that is known for its calming properties.

The purple candle represents peace and serenity.

The essential oils will help to relax your body and mind.

(Keep reading for more details!)

1. Introduction: what are panic attacks and why they happen

When someone experiences a panic attack, it can feel like their whole world is crashing down around them. Their heart races, they may feel short of breath, and they may even feel like they are going to die. Panic attacks are incredibly frightening and can happen seemingly out of nowhere. Yeah, good times... 🙄

There are many different things that can trigger a panic attack, and it can be different for everyone. For some, it may be a specific event or situation that they are in, such as being in a crowded place or speaking in front of a group of people. For others, there may be no trigger at all and they may just suddenly find themselves experiencing a panic attack. I've notice fluorescent lighting can trigger panic attacks for me, so I TRY my best to avoid them. Although grocery stores are challenging, I have lots of "tricks" to help get me through it.

There are several different treatments for panic attacks, but one that can help you cope is using a spell or rituals.

Spells to stop panic attacks work by helping to calm the mind and body and by providing a sense of security and protection. There are many different spells that can be used for this purpose, and you can choose the one that works best for you.

If you are looking for a spell to stop panic attacks, here are a few of the best ones:

1. Protection Spell

This spell is designed to help protect you from the things that may be causing your panic attacks. It will create a bubble of protection around you that will deflect negative energies and help to keep you calm.

2. Calmness Spell

This spell is designed to help calm your mind and body. It will help to ease your anxiety and to provide you with a sense of peace and tranquility.

3. Healing Spell

This spell is designed to help heal the mind and body from the effects of panic attacks. It will help to restoring your energy and to boosting your overall health.

4. Purification Spell

This spell is designed to help purify your mind and body. It will help to remove any negative energies that may be causing your panic attacks.

5. Strength Spell

This spell is designed to help give you the strength to overcome your panic attacks. It will provide you with the courage and fortitude to face your fears and to come out victorious.

The best spell to stop panic attacks: what it is and how it works

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from panic attacks, you know how debilitating they can be. Not only are they incredibly scary, but they can also make it difficult to live a normal life and perform simple activities.

So, what is the best spell to stop panic attacks?

There are a number of different spells that can be used to stop panic attacks, but the best one for you will depend on your individual circumstances. However, there are a few key things that all successful spells have in common.

Firstly, the spell should be specifically tailored to your needs. It's important to find a spell that is specifically designed to stop panic attacks, as this will make it much more likely to be effective.

Secondly, the spell should be simple and easy to remember. You don't want to be in the middle of a panic attack and have to try and remember a complicated spell.

Finally, the spell should be easy to recite. This is important because you may need to recite the spell multiple times during a panic attack in order to be effective.

As stated before, there are a number of different spells that meet these criteria, but one of the most popular is the following mantra:

"I am safe and protected.

I am surrounded by light.

No harm can come to me.

I am calm and relaxed.

I am in control of my body and my mind.

I am safe."

This spell is specifically designed to calm a panic attacks, and it meets all of the criteria listed above. It's simple, easy to remember, and easy to recite.

If you're looking for the best spell to stop panic attacks, this is a great option.

This spell is also very safe. There are no side effects or risks associated with using it.

All you need to do is recite the incantation and place your hand on your third-eye.

If you suffer from panic attacks, this spell is definitely worth a try. It could very well be the answer to your prayers.😊

How to cast the spell

This spell is simple, but effective, and only requires a few ingredients.

First, you'll need a piece of amethyst. Amethyst is a powerful crystal that can help to calm and soothe the mind. It's also helpful in relieving stress and anxiety.

Next, you'll need some lavender oil. Lavender oil is calming and relaxing, and it has a soothing scent. It's also helpful in relieving headaches and tension.

Finally, you'll need a piece of white parchment paper. On this paper, you'll need to write down the words: "I am calm and at peace."

To cast the spell, first hold the amethyst in your hand. Visualize all of your stress and anxiety flowing into the crystal. As you do this, say the following incantation:

"Stress and anxiety, be gone from me

I am calm and at peace

I am surrounded by love and light

All is well in my world."

Then, take the lavender oil and add a few drops to the amethyst. Hold the crystal in your hand and inhale the scent of the oil. As you do this, say the following incantation:

"Lavender oil, soothing and calm

Relax my mind and body

Bring me peace and serenity."

Finally, hold the piece of parchment paper in your hand. Focus on the words that you've written, and imagine yourself feeling calm and at peace. As you do this, say the following incantation:

"I am calm and at peace

I am surrounded by love and light

All is well in my world."

After you've said the incantation, place the amethyst on your forehead and allow the crystal to work its magic. The spell is now complete, and you should start to feel the panic and anxiety melting away.

What to do after the spell is cast

After the spell has been cast, it is important to take some action to ensure that the panic attack is stopped.

Here are five things that can be done:

Deep Breathing: Once the spell has been cast, take some deep breaths and try to relax. This will help to stop the panic attack.

Talk to Someone: Talking to someone who can provide support and understanding can help to stop a panic attack.

Distract Yourself: Once the spell is cast, try to distract yourself from the thoughts that are causing the panic attack. This can be done by reading, listening to music, or watching a movie.

Exercise: Exercise can help to release tension and stop a panic attack.

Relax: Once the spell is cast, try to relax in a comfortable position. This can help to stop the panic attack.

Tips for preventing future panic attacks

When a panic attack strikes, it can feel like the world is crumbling around you. Your heart races, your chest tightens, and you may even feel like you're losing control. But it's important to remember that panic attacks are nothing more than a sudden bout of intense anxiety. And while they may be terrifying in the moment, they're also completely manageable.

Here are six tips for preventing future panic attacks:

1. Identify your triggers.

One of the best ways to prevent panic attacks is to identify your triggers. What are the things that tend to make your anxiety levels spike? For some people, it may be certain situations, like being in large crowds or flying on an airplane. For others, it may be certain thoughts or emotions, like feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Once you know what your triggers are, you can work on avoiding them or managing them in a healthy way.

2. Practice healthy coping mechanisms.

When you're feeling anxious or stressed, it's important to have healthy coping mechanisms in place to help you calm down. This might include things like deep breathing exercises, journaling, or taking a few minutes to yourself to relax. If you don't have healthy coping mechanisms in place, it can be all too easy to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, like alcohol or drugs.

3. Seek professional help.

If you find that you're struggling to manage your anxiety on your own, it may be time to seek professional help. A therapist can work with you to help you understand and manage your anxiety in a healthy way.

4. Avoid using substances as a crutch.

As mentioned above, it's important to avoid using substances as a way to cope with your anxiety. Not only are these substances not effective in managing anxiety, but they can also lead to SUD and other problems down the road.

5. Get plenty of rest.

When you're feeling anxious, your body and mind can become easily exhausted. That's why it's important to make sure you're getting plenty of rest. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep every night, and take breaks during the day to rest your mind and body.

6. Live a healthy lifestyle.

Finally, one of the best ways to prevent panic attacks is to live a healthy lifestyle. This means eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding things like tobacco and excessive amounts of caffeine. When your body is healthy, it's better equipped to handle stress and anxiety.


If panic attacks are disrupting your life, it's important to seek professional help. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, and other treatments can be effective in managing panic disorder.

Self-care is also crucial for managing panic attacks. Stress management, relaxation techniques, and healthy lifestyle choices can help you reduce your anxiety and prevent panic attacks.

Give one of our sound healing treatments a try for an alternative relaxation method.

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