A common question I receive is, "What should I do with ritual items after completing spellwork?"

After casting a spell, there are a few ways to handle ritual items, depending on what you used and your intentions.
Here are several respectful and purposeful ways to handle these items:
1. Bury Them
Burying items, especially biodegradable ones (like flowers, herbs, or natural stones), can be a grounding way to return their energy to the earth. This is often done with spells for release, growth, or transformation.
2. Burn Them
Burning paper, herbs, or other safe-to-burn items is a way to release your intentions into the universe. Be sure to do this safely in a fire-safe container and, if possible, let the ashes return to the earth.
3. Dispose of Them in Running Water
If the spell involved cleansing, letting items go in running water (like a river or stream) symbolizes washing away or moving forward. Be cautious to only release natural items, like flowers, stones, or water-safe herbs, to avoid polluting.
4. Keep Certain Items as a Talisman
Some items, like crystals, jewelry, or amulets, can be kept on your altar or carried as a reminder of your spell. Talismans hold the spell’s energy and can be reused in future rituals or worn for protection or strength.
5. Reuse Candles, Crystals, and Tools
Items like candles or crystals can be repurposed if they weren’t completely consumed during the spell. You can cleanse and recharge crystals by leaving them under the moonlight or in salt. For candles, burn them down in subsequent spells if it feels right.
6. Place Items in a Spell Jar
If you’ve used small items like herbs, crystals, or symbols, create a spell jar by sealing them in a small container. Keep it in a special place as a reminder or manifestation tool.
7. Scatter Ashes or Herb Residue Outdoors
If you have leftover ash, incense, or herb residue, scatter it outside on the ground as a way to release the energy back to nature. Make sure the ashes are COLD! Don't be starting any fires! 🔥
8. Compost Organic Materials
Place biodegradable items in a compost pile or garden. This can be a great way to let the spell energy nurture new growth, especially for manifestation or abundance spells.
9. Cleanse and Store Items for Future Use
If you want to use tools like bowls, cloths, or containers again, cleanse them energetically with smoke, salt, or moonlight. Then, store them in a clean, intentional space until your next spell.
10. Dispose Mindfully
For any items that are not natural, like synthetic thread or wax, dispose of them respectfully in the trash, ensuring you don’t harm the environment. You may wish to say a blessing or thank the items for their part in your spell.
Tips for Disposing Thoughtfully
Always approach disposal with respect and mindfulness, giving thanks for the role each item played in your ritual. Taking a moment to show gratitude helps close the ritual with a sense of completion and respect.