When it comes to cleansing and purification rituals, there are a few different approaches you can take.
If you're looking to cleanse an object or space, you can use a simple saltwater cleansing spell.
For personal cleansing and protection, some people prefer to use an herbal bath. And when it comes to banishing negativity, some turn to graveyard dirt.
No matter which ritual you choose, always remember to ground and center yourself before beginning any magick. Once you're ready, you can begin casting your ritual.
To cleanse an object or space, you will need:
-A bowl of saltwater
-The object or space you wish to cleanse
Start by casting a circle around yourself and the object or space you wish to cleanse.
Take the bowl of saltwater and walk clockwise around the perimeter of the circle, sprinkling the water as you go. As you do this, mentally visualize the water washing away all negativity and impurities.
When you have completed the circle, thank the element of water for its help and return to the center of the circle. Take a few deep breaths and imagine the object or space being filled with bright, white light. When you're finished, release the circle and release the energy.
To create an herbal bath for personal cleansing and protection, you will need:
-1 cup of Epsom salt
-1 cup of baking soda
-1 cup of sea salt
-1/2 cup of dried lavender
-1/2 cup of dried rosemary
-1/2 cup of dried chamomile
-1 quart of boiling water
Mix all of the ingredients together in a large pot. Carefully pour the mixture into a warm bath and stir clockwise to infuse the water with the herbs. Climb in and relax for 20-30 minutes, allowing the water to work its magick.
When you're finished, thank the herbs for their help and drain the tub. Be sure to sweep any leftover herb matter out of the tub before you go so that you don't leave a mess for someone else to clean up. 💚
Make sure you are not allergic to any of the aforementioned ingredients...if you are - omit and use something else that calls to you.
If you're looking to banish negativity, some people find graveyard dirt to be an effective tool. This ritual is best performed during the waning moon.
You will need:
-A small container of graveyard dirt
-A black candle
-A small piece of paper
On the piece of paper, write down whatever it is that you want to banish. It could be a person, a situation, a feeling, etc. Fold the paper up and drip a few drops of candle wax on it to seal it.
Next, light the black candle and hold the paper in the flame, allowing it to catch fire. Drop the paper into the container of dirt and quickly cover it. As the paper burns, visualize the negativity being absorbed into the earth.
Thanks for reading!
Until next time... Live, Love, & Magick!